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La vie de la famille Le Bouder
La vie de la famille Le Bouder
  • La vie de la famille Le Bouder depuis l'arrivee de Madenn Zokara Le Bouder, notre premier bebe. The daily life of the Le Bouder family since our first baby girl, Madenn Zokara Le Bouder was born.
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9 juin 2009

Mae's Funny words

P6010002Mae is starting to talk, repeating many words and expressing herself well enough to minimize the crying and screaming she has used so far to get what she wanted. Here are a few of the words she can actually master as of today June 9th 2009. I have tried to put them by order of first appearance. She can say the following clearly:

papa = Papa; Enco(re) Mamie = Maman; Tiens Annie = The maid; Donne Ca; Attend; Cassé; Non; La-bas; Veut pas; Assis; Veut Ca; Bateau (de la chanson Bateau sur l'eau) Pas dodo; Gateau; Bye Bye; Chien; Betise; Cochon = anything that remotely looks like one (including horse, cow, etc.)

Words almost perfect:


Bebebeu = Bebe Bleu (Madenn's doll); Babon = Biberon; Pallion = Papillon; Baden = Madenn; Ayon = Avion; Azo = Oiseau; cacacouche = ma couche est pleine; gododo = Gros Dodo; A Boi = A boire; boiboi = verre/bouteille; biki = Biscuit; Pati = Parti; Bavo = Bravo; Bababoum = badaboum; eci = Merci

Words that have come and gone: Po = Pomme; Oui; Ba = Banane; Chat

August 18th, 2009

Let me make a small update on how much Mae's vocabulary has improved in a matter of weeks.

She can now express herself in small sentences including a noun and an action verb such as "Mets Maman", "tiens adenn".She has also added quite a lot of words to her repertory including feelingsor state of being such as "bebe pleu (pleure)" or "y dort" (il ou elle dort).

But in any case, here is the list:

- Pleu (Pleure) - Tourne - Veut plus -Dort - Il est ou? - L'est laaaa! - Wouala!!! - Velo - suce - Pote (Porte) - Mechant - popopo (Hippopo) - Tete - Mal la - Bobo - Yaout (Yaourt) - Caion (camion) - mange - mache (Marche) - Aussi - Moi - Melon - Bouchon - Ramasse - Bain - Ballon - Viens - Atu (Voiture) - ici - Descend - Monte - Saillon (Savon) - isci (Biscuit) - oussette (Poussette) - mate (Tomate) - Hum c'est bon - Ah! - hihi (fini) - uillette (fourchette) - uier (Cuillere) - gade (Regarde) - Sac - Coq , Coco (oiseau de facon generale mais plus particulierement les canards) - Tombe - A moi - Mesi (Moi aussi) - aueuvoi (Aurevoir) - mille (mouille) - ciiales (Cereales) - Maison - ussic (Musique) - Ahhti (Parti) - Bebe - ieu (yeux) - nez -ouche (Bouche) - Pied - maide (tu maides) - Content


